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Resource Topics: Toll Collection

Learn how to leverage IoT solutions in fleet management to make fleet operations safer, cleaner and more cost effective. Download the white paper.
White paper
Leveraging IoT Revolution in Fleet Management
Access this technical LTE-M analysis from industry leaders that evaluates the actual coverage performance of 3GPP's LPWA LTE-M technology. Download the white paper.
White paper
Coverage Analysis of LTE-M Category-M1
This white paper talks about the latest version of LTE standard, known as LTE-Advanced Pro, and explains how Gigabit LTE speed is achieved.
White paper
The last 4G technology jump before 5G: What LTE-Advanced Pro means for the IoT
This white paper explains how Bluetooth audio can differentiate IoT devices, and reviews the design considerations for today's Bluetooth-enabled audio features.
White paper
Audio as the new UX: Why Bluetooth Audio Matters in the IoT
Join us as we discuss different global connectivity options and how technologies like eUICC and LPWA (low power wide area) are posed to change the future of connectivity for internet of things.
The Future of Connectivity for IoT: eUICC and LPWA
Sierra Wireless is building the Internet of Things so you can innovate with confidence, get to market faster and realize your return on investment. As your IoT partner, innovator and expert, Sierra Wireless takes the complex and makes it simple, with unique devices, secure cloud services and global connectivity.
Sierra Wireless is building the Internet of Things
The WP Series is more than another hardware offering. These are smart modules that provide complete device-to-cloud architecture enabling IoT developers to build a Linux-based product on a single module and seamlessly send valuable user and product data to the cloud. Watch the video now!
Next-gen WP Series of embedded IoT modules
AirLink Management Service (ALMS) powered by AirVantage is an application that makes managing thousands of gateways as easy as managing ten. Watch the video now!
AirLink® Management Service
The AirLink family of intelligent wireless gateways and modems from Sierra Wireless offers customers solutions for various industrial, enterprise and in-vehicle applications.
Sierra Wireless AirLink® Gateways, Modems, and Solutions

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