

Starting in November 2024, new UK regulations will mandate that all public Electric Vehicle (EV) fast chargers achieve 99% reliability to ensure a seamless experience for drivers. Similar rules are already in place in the Netherlands, with more expected to follow across Europe.
Ensure 99% Reliable EV Charging Service with Semtech's Resilient IoT Connectivity
Discover how Washington County Ambulance District transformed rural healthcare delivery by partnering with Semtech. This case study highlights the integration of telehealth services, real-time patient monitoring systems, and seamless vehicle connectivity leveraging AirLink® routers.
Washington County Missouri Delivers Critical Mobile Integrated Healthcare to Rural Underserved Communities
Reliable wireless connectivity is essential for smart city applications to flourish. Semtech offers a comprehensive suite of dependable wireless IoT solutions, including IoT services (data, SMS, VoLTE), cellular modems and routers, and LoRa® chips. Watch this video to learn more.
Semtech Boosts Smart City Solutions with Robust IoT Connectivity
Semtech offers a complete solution of purpose-built hardware and operating systems that includes multi-layered security through the entire product lifecycle. 
AirLink Router Solutions for Public Safety to Get Connected and Stay Connected
A step-by-step guide to the process of installing a Broadband Access circuit.
Broadband Access: Installation Tutorial Video
The ALMS Tracker Widget provides a near real-time overview of your fleet equipped with AirLink® next-generation routers, extending to the vehicles they're installed in.
Explore the near real-time location tracking widget on ALMS for Airlink Router Solutions