
One Management Platform
For AirVantage® Services


Manage all your cellular edge devices and subscriptions from Semtech and other selected operators with the AirVantage self-service portal, to simplify your logistics, optimize your communication cost, and improve the up-time of your fleet of connected products.

AirVantage provides HTTP-based RESTful APIs for integrating the connectivity management services into your IT systems, and streamline your operations.

See the API Documentation

Cloud Connectors

We offer cloud connectors to make connectivity data from AirVantage easy to be consumed by other Cloud applications and enterprise systems.
Amazon Web Service Kinesis Connector
AirVantage is powered by AWS. Its connection to AWS Kinesis makes your IoT data directly available to your applications hosted on AWS.
Google Cloud Platform Connector
Use this connector to make your IoT data directly available to your applications hosted on the Google Cloud.
Microsoft Azure Connector
Use this connector to make your IoT data directly available to your applications hosted on Microsoft Azure.
Looking for other means to connect the IoT data?
Check out how to use the standards-based connectors, including: MQTT, AMQP, HTTP Callback, to connect IoT data to your applications.

AirLink modems

AirLink modems are highly configurable and can be scripted using the ALEOS Application Framework (AAF) to gather IoT data.

  • IoT Data Collection: Data collected by AAF scripts is securely sent to the platform’s application enablement service to be consumed by customer applications or business and analytics systems.
  • Remote command and control: AAF scripts can be controlled through the platform’s application enablement service allowing you to automate and control your remote machines.
  • AAF Script lifecycle management: Update AAF scripts over the air, adding new features or fixing issues using the platform’s 360º Operations web console or API.
  • Gateway over-the-air firmware updates: ALEOS firmware can be updated over the air using the 360º Operations web console or API.

AirVantage platform provides us with many connectivity management capabilities. We have integrated it with our own cloud platform to keep our products up to date. Most importantly, it helps us with troubleshooting.

President, Connected Cycle

IoT Security

AirVantage protects your data from the connected devices to the cloud.
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Secure device-to-cloud communication

AirVantage is the first commercial IoT platform to have implemented the Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) protocol. This standard protocol offers a secure solution by allowing the encryption of data end-to-end between the device in the field and the application hosted in the network.

The IoT platform also secures data in transit with additional measures including mutual authentication, secure download and device-initiated communication to prevent unauthorized control or access from an external source. For applications with sensitive data, users can add an optional VPN tunnel to extend their private operator network security to AirVantage.

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Security in the Cloud

To protect data at rest, Semtech has assigned a dedicated team to continuously monitor our data storage operation. Our storage infrastructure is highly available in each region, and is constantly upgraded to guarantee optimum security.

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Secure cloud-to-enterprise communication

To protect data in transit on the server side, AirVantage applies HTTPS secure browser access only. All software attempting to access data in AirVantage will have to be authenticated using the secure OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol, using one of the 3 authentication flows proposed. Account administrator can review and revoke the API clients any time on the AirVantage operations console, and keep the account access control up-to-date.

To tighten the user access control, account administrators can enable the security options any time including the 2-factor authentication with a one-time SMS password and IP address filtering.

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