How Networking Solutions Enable Mobility Applications for Utilities

Modernizing and improving the efficiency of utility truck fleets can reduce utility costs and improve utility performance. Significant cost savings can be obtained by enabling real-time and reliable communications between utility vehicles in the field and dispatch. Download this eBook to learn: Building a Vehicle Area Network (VAN) Enabling better communications to speed up incident […]

AirLink® MG90 5G – The Industry’s First 5G Multi-Network Vehicle Router

5G connectivity delivers real-time video and data connectivity enabling public first responders, transit workers, utilities and manufacturers to deliver increased productivity, new services and enhanced security. The Sierra Wireless Airlink MG90 5G is the industry’s first multi-network router purpose-built to deliver 5G connectivity through a Vehicle Area Network (VAN) delivering faster connectivity speeds, lower latency […]

Build an Efficient and Reliable IoT Metering Solution that Utilities Want

Water conservation, recapturing lost revenue from leaks and theft, and reducing utility operating costs are key benefits of a smart metering solution. Governments and utilities need reliable, long-lasting solutions that can be deployed securely and quickly. Balancing the needs of regulatory requirements while minimizing costs and maintaining quality is difficult. Download this eBook to learn […]

Best Practices for Succeeding in the Industrial IoT

The Industrial IoT (IIoT) is changing the industrial landscape, enabling original equipment manufacturers to generate new sources of revenue and offer data-driven services. But building the IIoT infrastructure necessary for a digital transformation can be an overwhelming challenge given the attendant technical complexities and logistical difficulties. And while there may be no shortage of IoT […]

The Industrial IoT Playbook for Commercial Washing Machines

Understanding Breakthroughs and Industry Shifts Commercial washing machine manufacturers are already aware of the significant opportunities presented by the Industrial IoT (IIoT). From predictive maintenance to the creation of data-driven and customer-centric services providing valuable analytics on consumption and performance, to the pivot to Washing as a Service (WaaS) subscription models that replace antiquated and […]

Expanding the IoT into the Utility – Simply

A Guide for Utilities Looking to Simplify the Building of IoT Solutions Utilities have embraced the IoT with applications like demand-side management, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Distribution Automation, and more. Most of these IoT applications connect traditional grid assets and are associated with the direct delivery of energy. Utilities also own and operate many other […]

Transforming Direct Transfer Trip (DTT) – Eversource’s Story

A Guide for Utilities Considering LTE for Distributed Energy Grid The widespread introduction of renewables (solar and wind generation) has been a tremendous benefit in helping to reduce greenhouse gases and diversify the energy supply. However, integrating these new distributed energy resources (DERs) into the grid is not without challenges. One of the most critical […]

Helping First Responders Cut Through the 5G Hype

A Guide to Help Demystify What 5G Really Means for Public Safety. The next big thing in wireless communications is on the horizon. 5G mobile technology will soon be available, bringing the promise of compelling new capabilities to transform public safety. Providing new functionality and greater network management controls, 5G will enable diverse applications for […]

Harness the Power of Private LTE

A Guide for Utilities Considering Private LTE Networks Historically, utilities have preferred to own their own communications networks because doing so provided them more control over network reliability, security and coverage. But Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology, once considered an option only for public wireless carriers, is now available to utilities in a “private” form. As […]

Exploring the New Advantage: Industrial IoT Connectivity

Take a deep dive into the Industrial IoT connectivity landscape Early adopters of Industrial IoT (IIoT) technologies will acquire an existential advantage over those who are slower to change. Across the world, Industrial IoT is supercharging industrial environments and enabling industrial equipment manufacturers to offer entirely new kinds of services to their customers. Making your […]