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Resource Topics: Public Transit

Download this white paper to learn about what re the key differences between LTE-cat 1, cat-M and NB-IoT in term of bandwidth, roaming and mobility management (handover) capabilities.
White paper
CAT-1 and LTE-M or NB-IoT Serve Different Purposes
Join Sierra Wireless, Westbase and Eversource Energy as we discuss a view of the path to 5G, including the state of 5G standards and rollout, the role of 4G LTE during this transition, planning for 5G, and use cases.
Accelerate your Path to 5G
Download this white paper to learn how Sierra Wireless makes it easier than ever to manage modern data and maximize the return on IIoT investments with pre-integrated edge to cloud products and solutions.
White paper
Maximize ROI by distributing processing from your cloud to the edge
Cellular router services give customers the capability to keep routers connected and operating optimally. Download this white paper to learn how remote router management services impact key industries!
White paper
How Cellular Router Services Improves and Safeguards Your Investment
Download this white paper to learn about the benefits of 5G private cellular networking and three real-world use cases: Manufacturing, Transportation and Smart Cities.
White paper
5G Private Networks: Driving Digital Transformation and Business Growth
This eBook delivers insights on 5G usage by transportation organizations from an IDC Info Brief, sponsored by Sierra Wireless in Q1 2021, where IDC surveyed transportation organizations across North America and Western Europe.
The Future of 5G in Transportation
Whether you heard of 5G in the context of consumer enablement through faster network connections, or in the context of public transit, with its promise for smarter, safer, and greener public transportation options, it may still sound as if 5G belongs in the future.
Onboarding 5G Today
5G is the next evolution in cellular connectivity. It promises to revolutionize applications across many sectors, and technology decision makers should be prepared to take advantage as carriers roll it out. Read the eBook today!
How Will 5G Impact Your Router Deployments?
Download this white paper to learn about the security challenges of cellular wide area networks (WANs) and how to evaluate your cellular router vendor’s corporate security philosophy.
White paper
How Secure is Your Cellular WAN?
This white paper explains how a common flexible form factor can help designers create cost-effective, easy-to-scale IoT innovations. Download the white paper.
White paper
Swap In, Swap Out: Use Form Factor to Future-Proof Your IoT Design

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