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WPThumb-Industrial-Equipment-PWCRealizing the Opportunity of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Did you know that the Industrial IoT (IIoT) is a once-in-a-lifetime business disruption?

The Industrial IoT will have a significant impact on businesses and their operating models as today’s connected consumers are changing their expectations and demands. Consumers now want direct links to the manufacturer of the products and services they use, which is one of the key drivers of manufacturers’ industry-wide move into services.

The Industrial IoT driven transformation is not just imperative, it is urgent. Those that fail to act now risk being left behind and will face a real struggle to catch up.

To help you understand the possibilities in the industrial IoT, Sierra Wireless is sharing this third party research from PwC, one of the leading professional services networks in the world.

  • The opportunity of Industrial IoT
  • Why the Industrial IoT demands not only new technology but also a new operational blueprint for businesses
  • Things you need to consider to seize the Industrial IoT opportunity

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